1 - Paula has Learned, Philosophy of Education 1975, (Annual Proceedings of the Philosophy of Education Society, U.S.A.)
2 - Jones is Teaching, Philosophy of Education 1976, U.S.A. (Annual Proceedings of the Philosophy of Education Society, U.S.A.)
3 - On the Creative Process and One Aspect of Learning Art, Educational Philosophy and Theory, Vol 9-No 2, 1977, Australasia
4 - A Preface for Inquiries into Art Education, Studies in Art Education, Vol 20- No 2, Dec 1978, U.S
5 - Philosophy and Some of Its Influences on Art Educators, Arts in Cultural Diversity (Selected Papers from the 23rd World Congress of the International Society for Education through Art), 1978, Adelaide, South Australia
6 - The Drawing Lesson. The British Journal of Aesthetics, Vol 20-No 3, Summer 1980, U.K.
7. The Teaching of Drawing, published by National Art Gallery, Malaysia, 2002
8. Artistic Imperatives, Selected Writings and Paintings, published by Maya Press, 2004
9. Jolly Koh published by Maya Press, 2008
10. Jolly Koh @ 76 published by Maya Press, 2017